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NJ Doesn’t Verify Citizenship??

LINK:  Only Citizens Vote

Look:  What Other States Are Doing


To vote in NJ a person should be:

1) A United States citizen (verified )

2) Age 18+

3) A resident of the county where you will vote at least 30 days

4) Not serving a sentence of incarceration as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States

Are you registered to vote in NJ?

Info on the 2024 Elections

Was YOUR Vote Counted? brochure pdf


The issue of CITIZENSHIP

  In Today’s world – truth gets lost most of the time.  Citizenship exists – across the world – to distinguish those who are devoted to their country from others.

  Citizens care about the bigger picture, not just “ME!”  Citizens contribute to their nation through work, taxes, volunteering.  Citizens enjoy unique benefits as a result:  the ability to choose your leaders by voting is one of the big benefits.

  Should just anyone be allowed to vote? NO.  The goal isn’t to let those vote who want to benefit from others’ money to choose leaders who will give it to them.  The goal is for those who have worked, contributed, pledged to serve, protect and defend their nation to be able to vote to select its leaders… and to know enough about the candidates to choose wisely.
