This webpage holds information and links related to the 2024 General Election in New Jersey((please also visit our  Elections Information page, here.))  In 2024,  the “Big Race” is for President of the United States.  Truly, America’s future hinges on who gets elected.  Any time you meet an elected official, ASK THEM why we are not verifying CITIZENSHIP to vote !!


* Click Here to access the State’s Election Calendars & Deadlines for General Election 2024 (pdf).

For the November 5th PRESIDENTIAL General Election, Vote-by-Mail ballots will be mailed out beginning Sept. 21 (General Election VBM Ballot availability will be announced Sept. 10th. 

Early “in-person” voting will be available Oct. 26th to Nov. 3rd.  NO EARLY VOTING Nov. 4th!

Working Together for New Jersey Election Integrity RECOMMENDS that you vote In Person, using machines, during the Early Voting period, in November, to “bank your vote” and avoid any Election Day disruptions.  Our analysis shows there are about one million NJ registered voters who have not voted in the past 8 years, who may be motivated to vote in this General Election, with the potential of very busy polling locations on Election Day, Nov. 5th.

Do not allow ANY excuse to stop you from voting!!   Not Voting surrenders your choice to others!  YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!

LEARN WHY!   [ Click Here! ]

But VOTING isn’t your *only* responsibility – Support the candidates of your choice both financially and with volunteer help.

DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of

Working Together for New Jersey Election Integrity’s coalition members.  

Become an engaged citizen – attend school board, council, and “Freeholder” meetings.  Keep an eye on those who hold elective office!  Speak out with your concerns (Citizenship verification!) or complements!  Don’t think that casting a vote is your only responsibility.  If YOU don’t attend these meetings, others who want some personal favor will … and you’re interests may not prevail. No one else will do it.  If we, as citizens, fail in this, we have surrendered our governance to others.  GET PERSONALLY INVOLVEDNOW!  Here are some suggestions.